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Available APIs » notify


This api provides some basic Functions for generating notifications.

Functions and variables

function name description
notify(string) generate notification with default color
notify(string, highlight) generate notification with custom highlight group
notify.notify_max_width set the max width of notify windows
notify.timeout set the time in milliseconds to close the notify windows


Vim Script:

let s:NOTIFY = SpaceVim#api#import('notify')
let s:NOTIFY.notify_max_width = 40
let s:NOTIFY.timeout = 3000
call s:NOTIFY.notify('This is a simple notification!')


Note: lua version can only be used in neovim

local noti = require('spacevim.api').import('notify')
noti.notify_max_width = 40
noti.timeout = 3000
noti.notify('This is a simple notification!')

The lua notify api also supports easing function:

local noti = require('spacevim.api').import('notify')
noti.notify_max_width = 40
noti.timeout = 3000
  'This is a simple notification!',
  { easing = { fps = 60, time = 300, func = 'linear' } }

available functions:

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