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Available Layers » core#statusline


This layer provides a heavily customized powerline with the following capabilities:


To use this configuration layer, add following snippet to your custom configuration file.

  name = "core#statusline"


Here is a list of SpaceVim options for statusline, these are different from layer options:

    # options for statusline
    # Set the statusline separators of statusline, default is "arrow"
    statusline_separator = "arrow"
    # Set the statusline separators of inactive statusline
    statusline_iseparator = "bar"

    # Set SpaceVim buffer index type
    buffer_index_type = 4
    # 0: 1 ➛ ➊
    # 1: 1 ➛ ➀
    # 2: 1 ➛ ⓵
    # 3: 1 ➛ ¹
    # 4: 1 ➛ 1

    # Enable/Disable show mode on statusline
    enable_statusline_mode = true

    # left sections of statusline
    statusline_left_sections = [
       'major mode',
       'minor mode lighters',
       'version control info',
       'search status'
    # right sections of statusline
    statusline_right_sections = [
       'input method',

    # 'winnr' window number
    # 'syntax checking'
    # 'filename' file name
    # 'fileformat' file format
    # 'major mode'
    # 'minor mode lighters'
    # 'cursorpos' cursor position
    # 'percentage' content range
    # 'date' date
    # 'time' time
    # 'whitespace' line number with trailing space at the end
    # 'battery status' battery status
    # 'input method' input method
    # 'search status' search index

All statusline key bindings can be find on SpaceVim documentation

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