A modular Vim/Neovim configuration
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This is a general guide for using SpaceVim as a Perl IDE, including layer configuration and usage. Each of the following sections will be covered:
To add Perl language support in SpaceVim, you need to enable the lang#perl
layer. Press SPC f v d
to open
SpaceVim configuration file, and add the following snippet:
name = "lang#perl"
For more info, you can read the lang#perl layer documentation.
layer will load the Perl plugin automatically, unless it’s overriden in your init.toml
The completion menu will be opened as you type.
The checkers layer is enabled by default. This layer provides asynchronous syntax linting via neomake. It will run Perl and perlcritic asynchronously.
Install perlcritic via cpan:
cpanm Perl::Critic
SpaceVim use built-in plugin to manager the files in a project, you can add a .project_alt.json
to the root of your project with the following content:
"src/*.pl": {"alternate": "test/{}.pl"},
"test/*.pl": {"alternate": "src/{}.pl"}
With this configuration, you can jump between the source code and test file via command :A
To run current script, you can press SPC l r
, and a split window
will be openen, the output of the script will be shown in this window.
It is running asynchronously, and will not block your Vim.
The format layer is also enabled by default. With this layer you can use key binding SPC b f
to format current buffer.
Before using this feature, please install perltidy:
cpanm Perl::Tidy
Start a perli
or perl -del
inferior REPL process with SPC l s i
. After the REPL process being started, you can
send code to inferior process. All key bindings prefix with SPC l s
, including sending line, sending selection or even
send whole buffer.
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