A modular Vim/Neovim configuration
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SpaceVim releases v2.4.0, which optimizes Neovim support and rewrites the core plugin using Lua
SpaceVim release v2.3.0 with more lua plugins and better experience.
The core plugins of spacevim have been reimplemented with lua.
SpaceVim release v2.2.0 with more lua plugins and better experience.
SpaceVim release v2.1.0 with more lua plugins and better experience.
The second major release of SpaceVim adds several layers and lua plugins for a better use experience
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Scala IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
SpaceVim release v1.9.0 with new features and better experience.
SpaceVim release v1.8.0 with lua plugins enabled and better experience.
SpaceVim release v1.7.0 with four with a number of language layers and new features.
SpaceVim release v1.6.0 with four new language layers and floating window support.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Nim IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Clojure IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Kotlin IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Elixir IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Swift IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
SpaceVim release v1.5.0 with four new language layers and floating window support.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as TypeScript IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
SpaceVim released V1.4.0 with eight new language layers and an asynchronous task management plugin
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Rust IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
Manage the alternate file of current project within SpaceVim.
SpaceVim release v1.3.0 with ten new language layers and several functional improvements
SpaceVim release v1.2.0 with 12 new programming language layers and ton of bug fixs and new features.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as C/C++ IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as PHP IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
SpaceVim v1.1.0 introduced new floating window mapping guide, and a disk management for Windows, as well as improved the fzf layer.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Ruby IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Perl IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as JavaScript IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as CoffeeScript IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Lua IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Go IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
V1.0.0 is the first stable version of SpaceVim, which is mainly about experience and user documentation.
A general guide for using SpaceVim as general IDE
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Python IDE, including layer configuration, requiems installation and usage.
SpaceVim release v0.9.0 with 15+ new language layers and frequency support for colorscheme layer.
Our first meetup in hangzhou, general discussion about features of SpaceVim.
Use toml as default configuration file for SpaceVim
Highlight symbol mode and iedit mode come out with v0.7.0
Grep and replace asynchronously, display searching results on the fly based on user input
We know exactly what is the purpose of SpaceVim, and we keep trying to get it, never get lost, never give up...
Many new features come out with v0.6.0, including c/cpp suport and code runner
A better way for running code with in vim, more info about the command status, will not move cursor from code buffer.
Key bindings are defined with help description, this feature is for getting Help description and jump to the position where the key bindings is defined.
SpaceVim v0.5.0 comes out with five new language layer and many new features
Use dein as default plugin manager, Provides a UI for dein, Install and update plugin asynchronously, Show process status on the fly
New release v0.4.0 provides a new UI for plugin manager and built-in flygrep plugin
New release v0.3.1 provides better key binding guide for buffer and file, including z and g prefix guide.
The major change happend in v0.3.0 is new mapping guide and custom mapping prefix SPC.
A new hope: turn vim/neovim to be an IDE for most languages
Key bindings are organized using mnemonic prefixes like b for buffer, p for project, s for search, h for help, etc…
Mnemonic key bindings in SpaceVim
A general guide for using SpaceVim as Java IDE, including layer configuration and requiems installation.
First public release of SpaceVim with IDE-like UI, most language support, modular configuration
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